[VCS] leftTexts/rightTexts, recursive and directories

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Oct 11 22:45:49 UTC 2007


while doing the re-implementation of unified diff for svn I noticed a
few possible problems with our current approach to diff():

- should we analyze the diff (in case of unified diff) and extract all
  paths from that and put their content into the leftTexts() list of
  locations? I'm doing that at the moment, however this means you can't
  take the leftLocation and apply the diff to it to get the result

- if we allow recursive diffs, how do we create leftText and rightText?
  I mean we have directories here and I doubt any VCS gives you a full
  content-string for a whole dir. For unified diffs one can extract the
  left and right location from the diff, i.e. only have the changed
  locations, but for the raw diff this would mean recursively fetching a
  whole VCS structure...

To conclude: I'm not sure how, but I think we need to revise our
approach to diff(). Ideas?


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