CMAKE_MODULE_PATH and cmake import

Esben Mose Hansen kde at
Wed Nov 7 11:42:18 UTC 2007


To start with the question: Is setting CMAKE_MODULE_PATH supported by the 
CMake module? If not, where should I start if I want to fix it?

And the background:

I'm trying to get the svn version of kdevelop to work well enough to do my 
daily work with, so that when I get annoyed by something I can fix it :) 

My first problem comes when kdevelop attempts to parse the CMake files. 
Apparently, KDevelop doesn't understand this line

set(CMAKE_MODULE_PATH "${calypso_SOURCE_DIR}/cmake_modules/")

and thus doesn't find some modules

kdevelop(8096)/kdevelop (cmake support) CMakeProjectVisitor::visit: error!! 
Could not find "FindLibZip" = "FindLibZip.cmake" into 
("", "/usr/share/cmake-2.4/Modules", "/home/esben/calypso/src/spreadsheet")

I tried to set it manually in project options (Cmake, advanced) but this just 
crashed kdevelop.

regards, Esben

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