VcsJob question and suggestion

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Tue May 29 18:49:36 UTC 2007

dukju ahn wrote:
> 2. QVariant VcsJob::fetchResults()
> So, what is the actual type for QVariant?

It sounds like you are just complaining that we need to document what it 
is? Which we do, of course. :-)

> What if  other plain actions such as commit() add(), copy(), ??
> Is it worth for them to implement fetchResults() ?? I don't think so.
> Only retrieving FinishStatus would be sufficient for them.

We could have it return null, or perhaps have VcsJob and VcsJobEx (bad 
names, can't think of anything better ATM), where the latter subclasses 
the former (but is still an interface) and adds fetchResults. Opinions? 
Other suggestions?

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