[KDev4] project settings

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri May 25 20:02:25 UTC 2007

On 25.05.07 14:40:51, dukju ahn wrote:
> 2007/5/25, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de>:
> > On 25.05.07 14:14:04, dukju ahn wrote:
> > > Also some additional question. What is the meaning of
> > > ProjectKCModule::setDeveloperTempFile(), setProjectFileUrl(),
> > > and setDeveloperFileUrl()? I guess its for remote project
> > > but what does the namings, especially *develop* suggest?
> >
> > This is needed to have two things:
> >
> > a) remote projects
> > b) developer-specific settings in a separate file, so the .kdev4 project
> > file can be checked into VCS.
> So What is the meaning and difference between developer-specific
> settings and VCS checked-in settings? Do I understand correctly below?
> Suppose that certain project community decided to use kdev4.
> They use C++ as their language.

language doesn't matter. I know there's still a Language setting in the
kdevelop.kdev4 file in KDevelop4 svn and maybe even in the .kdev4 file
in the template, but languages are not set on a project-base. Rather the
language plugins are loaded on a file-base, so if a C++ file is opened
C++ language plugin is created, if a python file is opened the python
support is loaded.

> Such common items reside on kdev4 project file directly.
> OTW, each developer may have difference taste on MakeBuilder output
> so such private reside in .kdev4/ subdir

Right, thats the idea. With our current features I think the project
name, the project manager (i.e. cmake, qmake, custom makefiles) and the
vcs plugin are the only items stored in the project-kdev4 file.
Everything else would go into the developer specific file.


You single-handedly fought your way into this hopeless mess.

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