[KDev4] VCS Ifaces copy/move/update/log problem.

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Fri May 4 20:36:36 UTC 2007

Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 04.05.07 13:32:29, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>>> On 04.05.07 13:31:11, dukju ahn wrote:
>>>> In subversion, these two are always recursive. There is no flags
>>>> to set recursive/non-recurse.
>>> Hmm, that is a problem indeed. You can't emulate that without loosing
>>> history. 
>> I think the usual method is either to not copy the directories (i.e. do 
>> files one at a time)
> Well, I thought about perforce here (in svn its always recursive) isn't
> it possible to just copy a dir with the files in it to some other place?
> If you want to do it on a per-file basis you first have to mkdir+add the
> new dir, which means loosing some history. Although I guess its more
> important to keep the file's history...

Yes, that's what I mean by 'not copy the directories'. But that's the 
only way to cherry pick; that, or copy everything and then cull. Anyway 
a non-recursive move makes about as much sense as a non-recursive 
remove, so I don't see a problem with not having non-recursive.

(In case I wasn't clear, I assume perforce supports recursive copy, but 
even if it doesn't, you /can/ emulate it without losing anything because 
directories in perforce have no metadata and only exist if there are 
files in them. Which is why we didn't put mkdir() in IBasicVC.)

>> However... this brings up another omission, I think IRepoVC actually 
>> needs copy() and showCopy() because these are doing a commit() under the 
>> covers. Yes? No?
> Doesn't it have copy() already? I thought so, well I agree here. And
> copy() needs to take a commit message of course.

Yes, what I meant was that it shouldn't have just copy(), it should have 
copy() *and* showCopy(). Sorry for the confusion.

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