VCS Interfaces, round 3

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Fri May 4 18:50:03 UTC 2007

Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 04.05.07 10:48:31, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> That said, I disagree with your examples for log; both are artificial 
>> limitations. Limiting the number of entries is unnecessary for the 
>> scripted version, and for the UI version we have scroll bars :-). 
> The reason is simply the time it takes to compute and transfer the log,
> its surely faster than a remote-diff with svn but it still takes time
> (see my other answer for some numbers).
>> Stopping at copying I don't see the utility of /at all/, except that svn 
>> seems to be missing the copy-source and repo-path in its log output.
> No it doesn't, you just have to tell it to be very verbose 

D'oh, *now* I see it... not looking carefully enough, I guess.

> and it is
> useful if you want to limit the time which the log() takes to compute
> (or retrieve) the data. 

I'd be surprised if it really takes "a long time to compute", but I 
think in this case one should simply use a numeric limit.

> [snip examples]
> The second is a move. Note the -v option which tells you all this.

Hmm... ok, right now there is no "move" action. Do we need one, or is 
showing that a copy and a delete occurred sufficient? (I don't envy 
trying to parse the output to determine that a copy was really a move!)

>> the option becomes pointless. In fact this may mean we /have/ to use the 
>> svn API as I so far can't figure out how to get the information out of 
>> the CLI.
> see above, reading svn help log or svn log --help helps sometimes ;)

No, I just managed to overlook the "(from ...)" part somehow the last 
time I tried it. Sorry. :-)

Thanks for beating me over the head until I stopped being blind. ;-)

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