Signals in the api and the KDevelop:: namespace

David Nolden david.nolden.kdevelop at
Fri May 4 08:55:53 UTC 2007

I've noticed that in iprojectcontroller.h the signals have KDevelop:: prefixed 
in the argument-types:
void projectOpened( KDevelop::IProject* )

While in idocumentcontroller.h the signals look like this:
void documentActivated( IDocument* document )

Since Qt does only do string-matching when connecting signals, these should be 
unified. Either always with KDevelop::, or never.

Would be nice if this could decided fast, because it causes problems in the 
teamwork-plugin and I don't want to make it inconsistent there just to change 
it again later.

greetings, David

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