dukju ahn
dukjuahn at gmail.com
Wed May 2 20:11:50 UTC 2007
2007/4/30, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de>:
> dukju and Robert would you please have a look and port the plugins to use the outputview.
Good. But for me, the new tab isn't created and any new message
are not appended.
Is the following code correct to register my own tab?
KDevelop::IPlugin* plugin =
"org.kdevelop.IOutputView" );
if( plugin ){
d->m_outview = plugin->extension<KDevelop::IOutputView>();
if( d->m_outview ){
d->m_outview->registerLogView( i18n("Subversion Notification") );
connect( d->m_part->svncore(), SIGNAL(svnNotify(QString)),
this, SLOT(printNotification(QString)) );
} else{
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