Subversion's Diff to Head broken

Matt Rogers mattr at
Wed May 2 17:59:12 UTC 2007

On May 2, 2007, at 12:14 PM, dukju ahn wrote:

> 2007/5/3, dukju ahn <dukjuahn at>:
>> 2007/5/3, Matt Rogers <mattr at>:
>>> On May 2, 2007, at 5:48 AM, dukju ahn wrote:
>>>> 2007/5/1, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at>:
>>>>> Yes, I'm doing this on kdev4 sources, change a file save it and
>>>>> then use
>>>>> diff to head and all I get is the message box.
>>>> svn diff WORKING:HEAD was not implemented. What you did was
>>>> "svn diff BASE:HEAD". So if your base copy is up-to-date, no
>>>> difference
>>>> is natual.
>>>> Anyway I implemented svn diff WORKING:HEAD. Now the problem is  
>>>> fixed.
>>>> I changed menu text more explicitly.
>>> You will need to revert your last two commits as you changed
>>> translatable strings and those changes are not allowed this late in
>>> the 3.5.7 release cycle.
>> I know, but techbase says that in case of errors in string, change  
>> can be made.
>> The current menu text is error.
>> After all, what is diff to HEAD? Is it BASE or WORKING
>> that is to be compared with HEAD? User can't know the correct  
>> meaning, and
>> even I am confused somtimes.
>> It would be better to have untranslated message than make users  
>> get confused.
> And still we have more than 10 days before releasing. The changes are
> not that big.

It does not matter that we still have 10 days before releasing. 10  
days is not really that much time when you consider that most people  
spend less than an hour per day on KDE activities on average.

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