Getting the current active project

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sat Mar 31 21:41:11 UTC 2007

On 01.04.07 00:17:17, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> Also when I'm thinking about the use-case for multiple projects, I
> can't see users
> working on completely unrelated projects. So I guess that in most cases the user
> will want to operate on all projects she opened, not on only one. I may be wrong
> of course, but my Eclipse experience only proves that.

I currently have about 20 projects in my eclipse workspace (and another
5 or so are deleted for space conserving), but I only have those open at
once that I actually work on. Although I have sometimes another set of 2
or 3 projects open that I work on too, thats really just for "a quick
glimpse" on a bug or verifying something or similar stuff. So I tend to
break my usual work and open these other projects to do a small fix.
Then close them again (in the meantime I build those 3 projects and
commit the fix)

> > To be honest this is what I did not like 6 months ago. It was still
> > unclear where this all KDevelop goes. Now it looked better after
> > reading Alexander's mail and I hope that this will happen sooner and
> > not only at the freeze time. I mean, at least there should be some
> > direction to go, otherwise this platform idea will just not work.
> Well, I don't think Andreas meant we can completely rewrite platform ;)

Well, we can. But then I think we should rather aim for KDevelop5 as
Roberto suggested some time ago ;)

> > > Also such multiple projects allow for some things to be done easier:
> > > Committing to multiple related projects at once, by selecting
> > > multiple projects in the treeview and executing the commit. Or
> > > searching through multiple projects.
> >
> > Is this really that common? Do we need to be able to select multiple
> > projects at once to do one action on them?
> Imagine you'll work on Quanta using KDevelop4 (IDE). You'll want to
> open kdevplatform project and kdewebdev project. You'll want to
> change both, compile both, install both and commit changes from both ;)

Yeap, I'd wish KDevelop3 would have this, I currently somewhat work on
kdelibs, KDev4 and KDev3 all at the same time. Sure I have 3 instances
of KDevelop open, but if I fix something in kdev3 which affects my work
I need to close and restart all three (which is still quite slow for
kdelibs), would be so cool to just close 1 kdevelop and reopen it again
and just continue work where I left.


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