Getting the current active project

Alexander Dymo dymo at
Sat Mar 31 21:17:17 UTC 2007

Let me explain why this idea of "no current project" exists at all. First, by
introducing this concept we'd introduce a "mode" for the user. I'm not an
expert in usability, but from Raskin's books I remember that modes are bad for
But that's theory. In practive there's Eclipse which has no notion of
"current project".
Also when I'm thinking about the use-case for multiple projects, I
can't see users
working on completely unrelated projects. So I guess that in most cases the user
will want to operate on all projects she opened, not on only one. I may be wrong
of course, but my Eclipse experience only proves that.

> To be honest this is what I did not like 6 months ago. It was still
> unclear where this all KDevelop goes. Now it looked better after
> reading Alexander's mail and I hope that this will happen sooner and
> not only at the freeze time. I mean, at least there should be some
> direction to go, otherwise this platform idea will just not work.

Well, I don't think Andreas meant we can completely rewrite platform ;)
But it's true that we can still improve it.

> Well, for multiple reasons the latter happened, and I hope it won't
> happen again. (This is not about the currentProject, just about my
> worries of how can we go on with the platfrom.)

Refactoring we've done was necessary from engineering POV,
you couldn't have used the platform we had before. But this is done now
and you shall not worry more ;)

> > Also such multiple projects allow for some things to be done easier:
> > Committing to multiple related projects at once, by selecting
> > multiple projects in the treeview and executing the commit. Or
> > searching through multiple projects.
> Is this really that common? Do we need to be able to select multiple
> projects at once to do one action on them?

Imagine you'll work on Quanta using KDevelop4 (IDE). You'll want to
open kdevplatform project and kdewebdev project. You'll want to
change both, compile both, install both and commit changes from both ;)

> Ok, so regarding this currentProject issue, lets try with finding out to
> what project the active document belongs to.

About user actions... I think it can apply for 1) no project 2) all projects
and 3) if there's a current document on current project.
I really think that #2 will be the common use case, but I know too little
about useractions concept to judge.

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