[KDev4] vcs integration

Robert Gruber R.Gruber at gmx.net
Tue Mar 27 07:40:19 UTC 2007

Mon, 26 Mar 2007 10:16:49 -0700
> > > I though the best thing
> > > would be to use the project directory as working directory and
> > > transform all
> > > given URLs to a path relative to that location. So at least for cvs, I
> need
> > > to have some sort of access to the projects the files belongs to.
> Well, subversion needs full file/dir path, since it is not run by
> command-line.
> When using svn lib, there is no concept of current dir.
> Also, as others said, we will let any scripts can use vcs-plugins.
> In that case, absolute path might be more easier to handle.

I'll have no problem with getting absolute paths, I just need some sort of method to associate the files to the project they belong to.
If I get one file only I could just go to that directory and run the cvs client from there. But with a list of files I need to find a common base directory for them. And IMHO the project directory would be the best for that.
BTW: ProjectItem still gives you the absolute path.

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