[KDev4] status displayer

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jun 21 13:53:56 UTC 2007

On 21.06.07 09:24:47, Kris Wong wrote:
> > I personally never even look at the statusbar, simply because its 
> > "too far away", I nearly have to move my head to see its content.
> I look at it all the time.  I have the "Show type evaluation in status
> bar" option turned on though. 

Well, everytime I need it to work it doesn't (and thus CC doesn't work
either). Thats my impression. Also  I don't really see the use-case, but
maybe thats because I have variables that explain what type they have...

> It's also handy for the progress bar that
> is displayed when opening the project.  It gives me some indication that
> KDevelop is actually doing something while I wait for my project to
> open.

Well, for me the progress bar doesn't work properly. There seem to be 2
progress bars "doing something" also. And kdevelop is usable before the
progress bar is finished. Also I suspected this to be the c++ parser,
but I don't see why it would run every time I open a project (where no
files are open!). Thats just completely useless, the "wait" mouse-cursor
is indicator enough that kdevelop does something (for me that is).


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