[KDev4] GDB debugger working style questions.

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jun 20 19:49:33 UTC 2007

On 20.06.07 15:18:50, dukju ahn wrote:
> I want to clear the appreance and GUI for gdb plugin in KDev4.
> 1. supporting multiple project simultaneously
> Should we allow debugging more than 2 project simultaneously?
> I don't think so. Multiple debugger running only confuses user, and
> it will lead to much more complexity in architecture while gaining
> very little benefit.

I'm not so sure about that. It certainly is easier to implement, but why
do I need to quit debugging application foo, just to check some minor
thing on application bar?

> 2. GDB output views.
> a)
> In KDev3, gdb output widgets such as framestack, variable displayer
> were displayed only when gdb is being run. After gdb finished, these
> display widgets were hidden.
> Now, in current sublime UI, is it possible that gdb part can
> hide/show its own widgets anytime when he wants?

No, but IIRC Alexander agreed to provide that functionality. All we have
at the moment is removeToolView.

> b)
> Do we need to allow multiple gdb views? Specifically, it doesn't
> make sense to have 3~5 breakpoint displayers for one project. Rather
> I think we need to restrict the number of breakpoint view just "one"
> for each project.

There's no API for that, and AFAIK Alexander is very much against
providing such API. 

> 3. Shortcut to start debugger.
> There is no concept of "active project" in Kdev4. Now the user
> presses F9, how does the gdb know which project to start?

The user doesn't press F9 :) Well actually that's something we need to
solve in a more general way.

> 4. Gdb plugin path.
> In kdev3, gdb is under languages/cpp/debugger. But gdb is not designed
> only for C. Fortran and other languages can use gdb. I suggest
> plugin/gdb as its path.

Actually I'd rather see a more general debug/run framework in
kdevplatform, with gdb implementing it for certain types of
binaries/languages. I haven't thought about that too much, IIRC Volodya
had some ideas on how to do that, but he's been largely "away" lately.


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