History Navigation Proposal by Alexander

Matt Rogers mattr at kde.org
Sun Jun 10 15:37:22 UTC 2007

On Jun 10, 2007, at 9:44 AM, Andreas Pakulat wrote:

> On 10.06.07 16:23:22, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
>> Proposals
>> ----------------
>> v.1 In-View History Navigation
>>    Back: show file2.cpp
>>    Forward: show file4.cpp
> This one is really simple, however I need 2 different key combos to go
> to file1.cpp. So I don't like that that much.

like one more key combination is going suddenly make your brain  
explode? ;) Is the use of 2 different key combinations the only  
reason you oppose this?

>> v.2 Global History Navigation With Switching
>>    Back: switch to left view + focus file3.cpp
>>    Back: switch to right view + show file2.cpp
>>    Back: switch to left view + show file1.cpp
>>    Forward: switch to right view + focus file2.cpp
>>    Forward: switch to left view + show file3.cpp
>>    Forward: switch to right view + show file4.cpp
> Too complicated and probably going to be a usability nightmare due to
> the focus switching. There are no focus indicators at the moment,  
> except
> the blinking cursor which is hard to see already for people with 100%
> sight.


>> v.3 Global In-View History Navigation
>>    Back: show file3.cpp
>>    Back: show file2.cpp
>>    Back: show file1.cpp
>>    Forward: show file2.cpp
>>    Forward: show file3.cpp
>>    Forward: show file4.cpp
> This is what kate does and IMHO is a good compromise between  
> simplicity
> and not having to hit multiple combo's in the right order to get where
> one wants.
> So, my vote is for v.3.
> Andreas

And it's one of the reasons I don't use kate's split view. If I were  
to use history, i'd want to have per view history, which is what I  
get with v1, rather than all the files i've ever opened history.

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