[VCS] const QVariant& localOrRepoLocationSrc

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Wed Jun 6 16:50:18 UTC 2007

On 06.06.07 12:21:15, dukju ahn wrote:
> some methods such as diff() and merge() takes QVariant as a
> local or repository location. When the value is QString, no problem.
> What matter is case of KUrl, since there is no native QVariant-api
> to handle KUrl.
> I think this one is candidate.
> QVariant qVariantFromValue ( const T & value )
> And we should allocate unique UserType, which is returned by
> QVariant::userType().
> Any comment?, if none I'll docuemt and define new enum for KUrl

All that is already done in KUrl itself, we don't need to do that. IIRC
you can just do

QVariant( someUrl );

And later on do

KUrl myurl = variant.value(); (or value<KUrl>, not sure).


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