KDevelop3.4 newui library has a bad name

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jun 5 21:22:25 UTC 2007

On 05.06.07 23:59:27, Alexander Dymo wrote:
> On 6/5/07, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> > the newui library in KDevelop3.4 is called "d" and it is installed when
> > installing kdevelop3.4. I think "d" is a pretty bad name and just asks
> > for conflicts with other libraries, but I don't know wether we can
> > change it or not this late?
> Quick googling reveals no similar libs except for libd from some tool
> named "sharefuzz" that existed 5 years ago. Looks like we're safe
> enough. I don't mind renaming it btw, just it doesn't make much sense
> to care about 3.4 now.

Well, somebody showed up on IRC who thought he found a bug in KDevelop
because when he put a libd.so from his own game into /usr/kde/3.5/lib
kdevelop crashed. KDevelop on his system was installed into /usr, but
3.5/lib has preference over /usr/lib as per ld.so.conf.

An apt-file search reveals only kdevelop with that library name here on
my system. Still its a pretty bad name to choose.

> > Alternatively maybe we can make libd just a convenience library that
> > doesn't need to be installed? (I don't have much autofoo).
> Nope, it's still a part of 3.4 platform (even if nobody except
> kdevelop and kuanta used it).

Whats kuanta? Never heard of that. However if that is an existing
application that uses the library we can't change it.


Future looks spotty.  You will spill soup in late evening.

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