KDevelop3.4 newui library has a bad name

Alexander Dymo dymo at ukrpost.ua
Tue Jun 5 20:59:27 UTC 2007

On 6/5/07, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de> wrote:
> the newui library in KDevelop3.4 is called "d" and it is installed when
> installing kdevelop3.4. I think "d" is a pretty bad name and just asks
> for conflicts with other libraries, but I don't know wether we can
> change it or not this late?
Quick googling reveals no similar libs except for libd from some tool
named "sharefuzz" that existed 5 years ago. Looks like we're safe
enough. I don't mind renaming it btw, just it doesn't make much sense
to care about 3.4 now.

> Alternatively maybe we can make libd just a convenience library that
> doesn't need to be installed? (I don't have much autofoo).
Nope, it's still a part of 3.4 platform (even if nobody except
kdevelop and kuanta used it).

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