RFC: Draf for kdevplatform Announcement
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Mon Jun 4 16:02:24 UTC 2007
I just comitted the kdevelop/lib code to the new platform, so I think we
should create an announcement mail and send it to the major kde/qt
related development list (kde-devel, kdevelop-devel, qt-interest, any
Here's a first draft, to be improved (I'm not that much of a writer ;)
KDevPlatform Module created
The KDevPlatform module aims at helping to create IDE like applications.
The KDevPlatform provide a user interface library, an application shell,
a plugin system and extendable interfaces for various IDE-related tasks.
On top that it comes with a couple of useful and needed plugins that
implement some of the interfaces and provide some basic functionality
like a project view, cvs and subversion support, snippet plugin,
displaying command output and a drilldown filemanager.
To get an overview about the module see the Platform Information section
Note this module is still Alpha software, we will keep with the kde4
policy of doing BIC changes only on mondays. The plan currently is to
release this module with KDE4.1
Questionable day.
Ask somebody something.
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