QFileSystemWatcher vs KDirWatch

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sat Jun 2 17:43:47 UTC 2007

On 02.06.07 20:27:13, Andras Mantia wrote:
> On Saturday 02 June 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > As I tried to explain: KDirWatch uses questionable ways of getting
> > notified for changes. We just recently received a bugreport for
> > KDevelop3 from somebody who can't/want to switch away from fam.
> I'm lost here, what are the KDirWatch problems? Were they presented on 
> kde-core-devel?

The most serious problem is that it uses a broken notification system on
*nix (fam/gamin). Another problem is that various things are not
implemented and some things are missing (for example stopping watching
of individual files). 

Yes I asked (quite some while ago) what the plans are for KDirWatch on
k-c-d, and IIRC the answer is: unless somebody steps up to work on it it
will stay as is.


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