Removing some functionality from custommakefile support

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Thu Jul 26 13:10:15 UTC 2007

On 22.07.07 00:52:55, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm "pissed off" enough now to discuss this: I'd like to remove the
> automatic updating of custommakefile projects. There's a dirwatcher in
> place that watches all subdirectories of a project for changes. Each
> time a change happens there are certain things done
> a) for each source file in that dir a stat is done to check for its
> existence (using QFileInfo::exists()), if it doesn't exist its
> afterwards removed from the filelist and also from the blacklist
> b) files that are not in the filelist and not in the blacklist, but fit
> into the wildcards defined as project files are added to an internal
> list. Also new dirs are added to the dirwatcher (which needs another
> stat to find out wether the path is actually a dir or not).
> These two things make the Kdevelop ui hang as soon a file is changed.
> The amount of hanging depends on how many files are changed. Using the
> just created qmake_parser_experiment branch:
> adding 10 files to the source dir causes a hang of a couple of seconds
> each run of kdev-pg (which alters files in the builddir, which is inside
> the project dir) causes a similar hang for a few seconds.
> I've noticed similar problems when running kdevelop on kdev4 sources.
> Also while KDevelop hangs I see quite large amounts of CPU power spent
> waiting for I/O (using top and block_dump). We even have one or two
> bugreports about this.
> I'd like to remove this dirwatching and the logic that updates the
> filelist. This has the drawback of having to completely re-populate a
> filelist if one doesn't want to manually add new files (think of adding
> various files in different dirs). Currently a "Add New Files To Project"
> option exists which uses the list built during the watching. Also a
> cleaning of the stored filelist is then only done during project
> opening.
> Are there objections against removing this, including the menu entry (I
> think removing user-visible strings is ok)?

Last chance for anybody to object, if there are no objections until
tomorrow evening I'll remove this stuff.


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