KDevelop-PG bug when printing First/Follow conflicts

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jul 19 22:32:40 UTC 2007


I think there's a bug when kdevelop prints the warning about
first/follow conflicts. The output for the qmake parser before revision
690040 contained 

** WARNING found FIRST/FOLLOW conflict in quoted_value:
        Rule ``(value=quote_value)*''
        Terminals [
        COMMA: conflicts with the FIRST set of: ,
        DOUBLEDOLLAR: conflicts with the FIRST set of: ,
        SINGLEDOLLAR: conflicts with the FIRST set of: ,
        IDENTIFIER: conflicts with the FIRST set of: ,
        VALUE: conflicts with the FIRST set of:

and the information about which rules/tokens first set conflicted with
the follow set of the rule is missing. I looked at the code, but didn't
get very far. 


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