kdev4 x86_64 build error

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jul 10 23:48:14 UTC 2007

On 10.07.07 17:40:33, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> David Nolden wrote:
> > Am Montag, 9. Juli 2007 02:06:36 schrieb Matthew Woehlke:
> >> Bernd Buschinski wrote:
> >>> int = void*
> >>> doesnt work on x64 because of the difference in size
> >>> patch fixes typo/mismatch
> >> Please note that if sizeof(void*) == sizeof(numeric type) is the
> >> objective, 'long' does not satisfy this on Windows :-(.
> > 
> > In this case it all doesn't matter, because the value is just an index in a 
> > not big array. 
> Right. That being the case, however, I share your confusion why this is 
> needed in the first place. If there is some odd reason that the numeric 
> must be sizeof(void*), then it would be good to understand that and to 
> know if it will bite Windows also (in which case using 'long' is not 
> sufficient).

I can say this much: Current kdevelop opens an empty completion box,
computes some stuff (i.e. "it does something") and then crashes.

Apart from that I already said to David: If the data in the index is a
number internalId() can also be used and then we don't have to worry
about sizeof(void*) or casting.

Also I still miss an answer (or already forgot it again :) from David
wether the row fetched from the internal pointer is a different
row-thing than the row of the model index.

Where are entries into the completion model created? I mean where is
index() and parent() implemented - in kdevelop or kate?


Are you sure the back door is locked?

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