Adding QtDesigner custom widget plugin for KConfigXT

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Jul 8 20:55:55 UTC 2007

On 08.07.07 16:23:15, Adam Treat wrote:
> On Sunday 08 July 2007, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > I think I'm missing something here. Where exactly are changes to
> > environment settings needed? As far as I can tell that may be needed for
> > running an executable (or debugging, which shouldn't differ from
> > running) and for building a project.
> They are needed for every external process that KDevelop or one of its plugins 
> will launch.  Say the QT_PLUGINS_DIR for the designer plugin.

You're wrong here, the designer plugin is a proper plugin and thus can
have a proper configuration where you can select paths.

> Or the QTDIR for the qmake plugin.

QMake will have a config dialog if its a Qt3 project. For Qt4 only the
path to qmake needs to be configured.

> It is really simple.  The idea was that the user would have the ability to set 
> all environment options in one place and all external processes of KDevelop 
> would use it.  Doesn't mean you still couldn't allow multi setups.

IMHO thats unifying too much. We have multiple projects in KDevelop and
thus some things will not work correctly when set in a
global-env-widget, for example QTDIR above. Or as I recently saw in IRC:
QMAKESPEC pointing to qt3 when building a Qt4 project (as QMake doesn't
check wether the specs used are for qt3 or qt4).

> Anyway, it is up to you guys since I won't be coding it besides what is 
> already there, but as a user of KDevelop, I'd really like it if I could set 
> my environment once and be sure that all processes will use it.  Makes it 
> brain-dead easy for the user to understand what so and so plugin is actually 
> doing.

Plugins have configuration dialogs to be configured, there's generally
no need for env vars there. Or better said: if the plugin runs an
external process it should provide proper configuration for any env vars
a user might want to set on that process.

So I still see only 3 places where a user needs env vars, because its
visible to the user that here an external process is called and thats
building, running and debugging a project.


You are number 6!  Who is number one?

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