Local Project File [Re: Extending theIProjectFileManagerinterface]

Kris Wong wongk at seapine.com
Fri Jul 6 14:05:01 UTC 2007

> No it doesn't. At least not for all its project-related files.
> The .filelist and either pcs or kdevses file are located in the
> project directory.

Ok, the project (.kdevelop) file can be anywhere.  The .kdevses is
created in the same directory as the .kdevelop file.  The .filelist (or
whatever file contains the list of files) is what defines the project
directory, so of course it must be in the project directory.  This file
is likely to be version controlled anyway.  The .pcs is also created in
the project directory, although this is really a non-issue for kdev 4
since the current thinking is there will be no per-project pcs.

Kris Wong

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