Local Project File [Re: Extending the IProjectFileManager interface]

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Jul 6 09:35:36 UTC 2007

On 05.07.07 21:26:44, Matt Rogers wrote:
> Yes, that is correct, although one can have more than one file in  
> the .kdev4 directory so that one can store information specific to  
> one's plugin in one's own file or set of files. At least this was the  
> way I thought it could work.

Hmm, then we need an API to return the local-folder, i.e. .kdev4/
currently only the KSharedConfig::Ptr is accessible and that one always
saves to .kdev4/projectname.kdev4. 

But I agree that the idea is good.


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