Local Project File [Re: Extending the IProjectFileManager interface]

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Jul 5 23:02:31 UTC 2007

On 06.07.07 00:26:40, Jens Herden wrote:
> But what makes me worry is that Andras and I were discussing that we want to 
> save the information which files belong to the project into the *.kdev4 file 
> that is shared.

I think that doesn't fit our scheme. The .kdev4 and local-kdev4 are for
storing various settings and such things. They are not supposed to be
used for storing information about which files belong to the project.

> How can we do this if we can not write? And how is a project 
> created at the beginning if you can not write from the platform?

By copying it into the project directory. See
kdevelop/plugins/appwizard and kdevelop/languages/cpp/app_templates/

> We have a wizard for new projects in Quanta and this one should of
> course be able to create a *.kdev4 file without creating the ini-file
> manually. 

Copy it from a template.


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