Rework of the outputview interface

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Sun Jul 1 16:12:41 UTC 2007

On 01.07.07 17:00:49, Jens Herden wrote:
> Hi,
> Andras and me are have been looking at the output view and do not understand 
> exactly how it is supposed to work. 
> 1) In IOutputView we found a way to register a view but no way to remove the 
> view afterwards. We understand that you first have to register a view and 
> when you set the model the first time the widget is created and filled with 
> data. But how can a plugin remove its view when it is unloaded?
> We have seen that a user can close a view but no other way to do this.

Right, thats missing API. Feel free to add removeView( const QString&

> 2) We wonder why the view id is a QString. Is there any reason to not to use 
> an integer for this? The code is actually incrementing a counter and 
> converting it to a QString.
No specific reason, IIRC, except that it allows more freedom about the
format of the identifier.

I don't care too much about the type here though, I guess an int is just
as fine.


You should go home.

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