KDev4 SDK Single or Multiple Projects?

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Jan 30 10:18:32 UTC 2007

On 30.01.07 09:49:26, Jens Herden wrote:
> > I'd like to get feedback from the Quanta folks, do you need
> > multiple-projects/app instance support? Would it be just a feature or
> > something that users really need?
> Quanta currently can only open one project per instance and I do not see a 
> need to have this.

Hmm, I thought of web projects that interact with each other. But maybe
I'm not too much into webprogramming ;) Not sure what quanta is used for
these days except some html/php sites...

> Personally I think it is confusing to have more than one project in
> one GUI.

Personally, to me it feels quite natural to look at several projects at
once. But then, I'm a bit like Jens working on multiple things at the
same time ;)

> And if you have two GUI's you can use two instances. 

Well, as I said, that would double quite some resources. I'm not that
much into plugins yet, but I'm not sure that if an app dlopens a plugin
and another does so too wether the code will be shared or not. And KDev4
SDK will be pretty much _only_ plugins (as will the apps built on it)
except for the base shell.

> The only thing that should work flawless is to open a second instance with 
> another project, Quanta used to have problems there. 

Uhm, kdevelop does that fine ever since I started to use it. Even the
same project in both instances opens up fine. Of course changes in
buildsystem files can get you into trouble there...

> But what I would like to have is more than one language in one project. So 
> that we could mix HTML and PHP and Ruby in one project together and KDevelop 
> will load all the language support plugins together. This might be tricky 
> because you would want to hide/show plugins according to the current language 
> your document belongs to.

I want that too :) Not so much for the main purpose of KDevelop (C++
Development, Qt/KDE centered) but for languages like ruby or python
which might have both a script-part and a compiled-part in C/C++...


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