KDevelop4 and gdb version

Alexander Neundorf neundorf at kde.org
Wed Jan 24 20:40:01 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 24 January 2007 11:42, Vladimir Prus wrote:
> Sometime soon, I plan to start working on debugger support in KDevelop4.
> I hope that the time till the next gdb release (~ 4 month) and the time
> till KDevelop 4 release is sufficient to add everything I need. If anybody
> has some concerns or suggestions about this, speak out!

So KDevelop4 will require a released version of gdb ? Then it's perfectly ok 
I'd say.

Btw. so this means you are working actively with the gdb people to enhance gdb 
so that it does what a GUI debugger needs ? That's great ! :-) KDE needs more 
people who work together with the upstream developers instead of working 
around issues.

Work: alexander.neundorf AT jenoptik.com - http://www.jenoptik-los.de
Home: neundorf AT kde.org                - http://www.kde.org
      alex AT neundorf.net               - http://www.neundorf.net

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