devcpp, code::blocks, psppad, notepad++, Eclipse etc...

Christian Schneider mail at
Mon Jan 22 21:40:26 UTC 2007

Am Montag, den 22.01.2007, 20:07 +0100 schrieb Alexander Neundorf:
> So I think with KDE4 we have a really good chance to become one of the top 
> IDEs available, the only rival being Eclipse, which has the problem of being 
> written in Java and such slow and very memory consuming.

Reading your mail, I just want to congratulate the whole Team for the
great work on KDevelop 3.4 and tell my personal little

I'm using KDevelop for my diploma thesis implementation in C++ with Qt
and use the QMake build system. I first started with Qt3 and the latest
stable 3.3 release, but the lack of free Qt3-support for Windows forced
me to switch to Qt4. With the change to Qt4 I also made the jump to
KDevelop 3.4 from the SVN-branch.

This was about middle of of August. The Qt4 support was still work in
progress, the QMake build system was about to be rewritten and really
buggy, the code-completion didn't complete much but crashed KDevelop
every 10 minutes when I used it. It really sucked, but I didn't find any
real alternative. So I used KDevelop maninly as "pure" Editor and
avoided usage of buggy features. I made a fresh build about once a week,
but the situation only slowly improved. And as I read about your plans
to release 3.4 at early 2007 (or was it scheduled to end of 2006?), I
just thought "they won't make it, this is going to be a poor release". 

Only some weeks later, around October, the steps forward got noticably
longer. Each built felt increasingly stable, the Qt4 and QMake support
was enhanced, I began to use the code completion more often as well as
other features. But in the past two months, KDevelop really started to
make great fun. It's very stable now (at most one crash in a coding
session of 10-12h), the completion system is a great aid and the QMake
build system rocks. The IDE smoothly integrates most features I need.
Using the classview to add members or methods saves time, the grep
search and function navigator bring me to the lines I'm looking for, and
I still discover new features during my daily use of KDevelop. 

Yes, the UI looks a bit bloated at first glance, so I disabled many
plugins, but I already re-enabled some of them which I didn't have use
for at the beginning (e.g. valgrind).

Summing it up, I really have to admit that I underestimated you guys
when I thought, you wouldn't make it. You really did it! KDevelop 3.4
rules, and it will be the best free C/C++-IDE out there! I never used it
for any other languages, but I'm pretty sure that holds for more
languages than C/C++. And I'm really excited about what KDevelop 4 will

Keep on rockin!

Christian Schneider
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