The name of this project is KDevelop

Roberto Raggi roberto at
Sun Jan 21 16:31:46 UTC 2007


I just want to say a few things. First of all the name of this project 
is KDevelop. The name of the KDevelop Platform is (by definition) 
KDevelop Platform. I will be happy if in future we will have projects 
based on our platform, like eclipse has a lot of projects based on the 
eclipse Platform.

If you don't like the name KDevelop Platform for the KDevelop Platform 
then we have a problem. It is sad but the problem has a very simple 
solution. We fork it. The interesting part is that I'm forking it, so I 
will probably have to use yet another name :-) We can say that the 
KDevelop Platform(at least the name) is pretty much dead. Isn't it 

I started KDevelop 4 (together with Harald) in Ukrain, and I was very 
excited about it. I'm sorry I wasn't active in the last few months, but 
a lot of code there is based on my original work. I love that code and 
I love KDevelop. I don't want people to use different names (like 
koncrete?) for the KDevelop Platform.

In a few weeks I will be an *active* Open Source developer (again). 
It's just too bad I disagree to much with you guys :-) I will take a 
look at Alexander branch in the next few weeks. I hope he (and the 
other developers) will understand the value of the name KDevelop, but 
if nothing will change (e.g. KDevelop public api using the Koncrete 
namespace, or our library with 202 files, ...) then I will start the 
fork. Feel free to send me an email if you are interested or if you 
want to join this new(possible?) fork.

ciao robe

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