KDevelop automake support... living in the past?

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at users.sourceforge.net
Thu Jan 18 16:56:05 UTC 2007

Matt Rogers wrote:
> On Wednesday 17 January 2007 5:46 pm, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
>> Matt Rogers wrote:
>>> Actually, I intend to significantly expand the feature set for the
>>> automake support. I just haven't had time to work on it much for the last
>>> 9 months or so.
>> Awesome! :-) (And I'll assume that includes not doing deprecated things
>> in the auto-generated files? ;-) ...the autoconf list will be happy to
>> tell you what those are. In fact, at some point posting a bare project
>> there and having them poke holes in it probably wouldn't be a bad idea.)
> Even better would be for them to provide up to date documentation in their 
> manual or via other means, so I don't have to bug them for anything. :)

Hmm? Actually, the things I've been griped at about /are/ documented 
(meaning, the doc matches the usage - which differs from my 
auto-generated project - that I was told to use). I'm thinking in 
particular of AC_INIT, AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE, AC_LANG_CPP... at least those 
are the ones that have come up so far. Especially AC_INIT which seems to 
be used wrong throughout all of KDE (that's a somewhat peripheral issue, 
although KDevelop doesn't seem to be discouraging such (mis)use).

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