Definition-Use chain documentation

Hamish Rodda rodda at
Wed Jan 3 14:43:00 UTC 2007


As I have less time than usual for programming at the moment, I've taken a 
moment to try to document the duchain code a bit better.  Hopefully this will 
reduce the barrier to entry for others who want to help.

The following documentation is maintained in svn, under 

Definition-Use Chain (duchain) design document

Hamish Rodda
rodda at

This document's purpose is to outline the design of the definition-use chain 
as currently implemented for the c++ language support in KDevelop 4.x.

The duchain is a sequence of contexts in a code file, and the associated 
definitions which occur in those contexts.  A simplified way of thinking 
about it is that for each set of brackets (curly {} or not ()), there is a 
separate context.  Each context is represented by a DUContext.  Each context 
will have one parent context (except in the case of the top level context 
which has none), and any number of child contexts (including none).  
Additionally, each context can import any number of other contexts.  The 
reason for this will become clear later.  Thus, the DUContext structure 
resembles a directed acyclic graph, for those familiar with the concept.

These DUContexts are created on the first pass after parsing the code to an 
AST (abstract syntax tree), which is accomplished by Roberto's c++ parser.  
Also, in this stage the data types are parsed, and any declarations which are 
encountered are recorded against the context in which they are encountered 
in.  Each declaration is represented by a Declaration.

Parsing code is arranged into Builder classes, which subclass the AST visitor 
pattern.  They are designed to be able to subclass each other, thus achieving 
multiple goals with each pass (as described in the above paragraph).

The first pass is accomplished by the ContextBuilder, which is subclassed by 
the TypeBuilder, which is subclassed by the DeclarationBuilder.  Thus, in the 
first pass, the ContextBuilder creates the DUContext tree, the TypeBuilder 
records which types are encountered, and the DeclarationBuilder creates 
Declaration instances which are associated with the current type and context.

The second pass is accomplished by the ContextBuilder, which is subclassed by 
the UseBuilder.  On the second pass, we only iterate previously parsed 
contexts (as they are already created).  Then, as variable uses are 
encountered, a Use is created for each.  A Declaration is searched for in the 
current context, and if one is found, they are associated with each other.

Classes and their purposes
DUChain - an object global to a language plugin which keeps track of all 
loaded source files and the top level context of their definition-use chains.

DUContext - an object which represents a single context in a source file, and 
stores information about parent and child DUContexts, and Declarations, 
Definitions and Uses which occur in them.  Also provides convenience methods 
for searching the chain.

Declaration - an object which represents a single declaration.  Has several 
subclasses (ClassFunctionDeclaration, ClassMemberDeclaration, and 
ForwardDeclaration) which store more information specific to the type of 
declaration which is being represented.  Uses of the Declaration are stored 
here for convenience [note: perhaps this should be looked up on request 
instead...? may be better performing and much less error prone, eg when 
updating duchains].

Definition - an object which represents a definition corresponding to a 

Use - an object which represents a use of a particular declaration.

SymbolTable - a hash which stores identifiers available in the top level 
context of a source file and their respective Declarations.

*Builder - objects whose purpose is to iterate the parsed AST and produce 
instances of the duchain objects.

Type* - a type system.  Not particularly advanced at this point.

Definition-use chain searching
Because iterating a complete definition-use chain can become expensive when 
they are large, when a search is being performed (eg. for a declaration 
corresponding to a certain identifier) it is first performed up to the top 
level context, then the symbol table is consulted.  The symbol table is a 
hash of all identifiers which are known to the entire duchain.  All potential 
matches are evaluated to see if they are visible from the location of the 
use.  This is a considerable performance gain.

The duchain is designed to operate in a multithreaded environment.  This means 
that multiple parse jobs may be operating simultaneously, reading from and 
writing to the duchain.  Thus, locking is required.

A single read-write lock per DUChain (ie. per language plugin) is used to 
serialise writes to the chain and allow concurrent reads.  Thus, to call 
non-const methods, you must hold a write lock, and for const methods, a read 
lock.  This can be fairly simply accomplished with QReadLocker and 
QWriteLocker.  Refer to function documentation for exceptions to this general 

Also, when manipulating text editor ranges, the KTextEditor's smart interface 
must be locked.  See code in ContextBuilder::openContextInternal and 

Interface for plugins
As plugins will be accessing the DUChain from the main thread, they will need 
to hold a read lock.  In order to be notified of changes to the duchain, an 
observer interface is offered.  See DUChainObserver.

Text editor integration
The main classes are subclasses of a base class, DUChainBase.  This object 
holds a reference to the text range.  When the source file is opened in an 
editor, the CppEditorIntegrator will create smart text ranges, which are 
bound to the editor's copy of the document.  From there, highlighting can be 
applied to these ranges, as well as other advanced functions (see the 
KTextEditor documentation for possibilities).  The c++ language support will 
convert these ranges to smart ranges when the corresponding document is 
loaded into an editor.

Generalisation to other languages
In order to expand the utility of the definition-use chain, it would be 
preferable to have a duchain available for each language with a common API.  
This is potentially achievable.

In order to do this, the DUContext, Declaration, Definition, and Use classes 
need to be evaluated for c++ specific code, and that code separated out into 
a subclass of each of those classes.  Then, the base classes can be moved to 
the KDevelop platform interface code.  Other classes may also be able to be 
generalised, such as the SymbolTable, and Type* classes.  Then, other 
languages can subclass the interface classes if they need specific features.  
At least then the basic structure will be available to any plugins which are 
interested in the information.

An editor integrator will need to be created for each language (to adapt to 
the parser), but this should be a trivial task (see the Cpp version for 

TODO list
* Incremental parsing needs work.  It is designed for it from the start, but 
hasn't been implemented on the lower layers (parser in particular needs to 
have the code for this written)
* Multithreaded testing
* Chain viewer plugin is broken - the port to an observer design is not 
working properly yet

Future features - ideas
The completed duchain should allow for code refactoring, intelligent 
navigation, improved automatic code generation (eg. "create switch 
statement"), context-sensitive code completion, integration of documentation, 
debugger integration, a code structure view, call graph, static code analysis 

Comments welcome :)

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