KDevelop 3.4 translations.

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Thu Feb 22 15:31:56 UTC 2007

On 22.02.07 15:55:55, Amilcar do Carmo Lucas wrote:
> On Thursday 22 February 2007 13:03:41 David Nolden wrote:
> > +1 (For moving the kdevelop branch)
> >
> > I'd like to see fixes faster in the official kdevelop.
> KDevelop 3.4.0 is the official KDevelop.
> Future releases of KDE will only include KDevelop 3.4.x

Unless I miss something future releases of KDE will include kdevelop
from branches/KDE/3.5/, which is not 3.4.x 

> But I notice that everybody prefers to
> - dump the kdevelop 3.3.x and it's checkout possibility

One can still checkout 3.3 and we can move it to its own branch and
provide an entry in our svn-compiling page for that. 

> - Make me change a ton of webpages (I still do not know how to properly 
> explain this move on the website)

Hmm, what else needs to be changed apart from the table on the
branches_compiling page? There you only have to remove the kdevelop/3.4
line and change the purpose for KDE/3.5 to stable for KDE >= 3.4.

Eventually add a new line for a 3.3 branch if we create one.

> - Merge two SVN branches.

I guess two moves are easier and better.

> - Inform the translators.

That has to be done in either way.


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