
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Dec 14 01:21:19 UTC 2007

On 14.12.07 02:16:01, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 14.12.07 12:01:31, Hamish Rodda wrote:
> > On Fri, 14 Dec 2007 09:51:20 am Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > > On 13.12.07 22:26:14, Hamish Rodda wrote:
> > > > Start on new way of providing specialised debugging views for certain
> > > > objects - first example is parsing of QString (not yet working). One
> > > > day soon you should be able to write customised views using
> > > > plugins, that's going to be awesome :)
> > >
> > > Didn't look at the code yet, but IMHO it makes more sense to implement
> > > this inside the gdb plugin as a simple mapping of type-names to gdb
> > > commands (or list of commands). That way its _very_ easy to register
> > > your own type for printing, without the need to do any coding at all.
> > > And KDevelop doesn't have to re-invent the wheel and can just depend on
> > > the existing gdb macros from kdesdk to print Qt4 and Qt3 structures.
> > 
> > This is not just about returning a smart value, it's also about showing 
> > different children (ie. making list/set/map etc members accessible).  Also, 
> > not everything can be accomplished with a single gdb command, and you 
> > couldn't provide any processing for multiple commands with the system you're 
> > suggesting.  Also, you couldn't specify how to format the output from gdb 
> > (QString char data has to be processed first).  Eventually I also want to 
> > implement casting features so when you're shown a base class, you can easily 
> > get to the subclass features.
> Well, I meant macro's as well. But IIRC the debugger doesn't work when
> you just execute something like printf "foo" in gdb right? So macros
> like printq4string are not going to work.
> Still IMHO we need a way to make this extendable to custom type without
> having to compile a plugin. How about defining a scripting interface
> which allows to do this, i.e. people can register a script with a type
> information and then the debugger executes the script. Thats far easier
> than having to setup a plugin project and build it. Its also easier to
> write as you don't need to restart KDevelop to test a new version.

PS: An easy way of connecting a type with a way to print/display that type in
the variable tree is something that has been requested from users over
and over again and many of them pointed at MSVC which does allow exactly


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