UI questions

Vladimir Prus ghost at cs.msu.su
Fri Dec 7 17:22:37 UTC 2007


I have several question about KDevelop4 interface as applies to

1. Can user move tool views -- say, somebody
might not like variables view on the left, and want it on the bottom.
Is this possible.

2. Is there any way to group tool views. Say, I want that by default,
there's "Debug" tab on the bottom that has both stack frame and
variables. The user should be able to drag "Variables" away to
a separate tab, and then drag it back, if so desired.

3. Can we have some notion of "perspectives". I think that auto-hiding
tool view are nice, however when debugging this is not good -- and it's
probably not good to ask the use to manually "lock" the debug views.
So, I'd prefer a separate "debug" perspective that I'll switch to when
debugger starts, and switch back from when debugger exits. There will
be some predefined UI settings in debug perspective, but should user
dislike them, he can drag views as needed, and it should be saved in
the debug perspective itself. Note that this means that position of
all views must be save -- which appears to be not the case.

4. Can we have those perspectives work for multiple windows? Say, so that
when I start debugging, a second window of kdevelop starts showing debug views.

5. Can I have random content in the middle of the window? If debugging at
assembler level, I'd much rather have *big* disassembler windows,
together with stack trace/variables/register windows open. Naturally, I'd
want this disassembler window shown where regular text is usually shown.

If somebody's working on any of this, it would be great. If no -- I'll add
this to my todo ;-)

In fact, something like Eclipse, where the layout of window is totally
configurable, would be nice, but at the moment I don't know how to do
that while still retaining the auto-close behaviour.

- Volodya

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