
Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Fri Dec 7 01:43:12 UTC 2007

On 07.12.07 00:00:46, David Nolden wrote:
> Currently works only with up to 9 local variables(because of chosen
> hardcoded colors, that btw. still need some tuning).

I guess you're aware of this, but better safe than sorry: Hardcoded
colors need to vanish before the first beta. 

The question is: Does KColorScheme from kdelibs provide enough colors?
If not, can we re-use colors from kate's color configuration? If thats
not possible either (because their highlighting stuff interferes with
our extensions) we need to come up with our own color configuration for
abstract things (like variable-usage, function-usage, class-usage,
class-declaration, other things from other parts of kdevelop).


Your aim is high and to the right.

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