Contexts for If/Loops

Alexander Dymo dymo at
Thu Aug 23 12:26:17 UTC 2007

On 8/23/07, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at> wrote:
> On 23.08.07 03:56:46, Piyush Verma wrote:
> > Is it valid/usable to have separate contexts for the IF / while/ For/ try
> > blocks in Python.?
> No only Python but also C++, so far I don't think this is happening for
> C++ and I wonder how code-completion works for objects created inside an
> if-block...

My understanding of contexts was that it is roughly the "{}" block in
c++ code - the scope where variables are defined. If that's true then
if/while/for ... should have their own contexts.

But for ruby for example the variable first used inside if/while/etc.
is still declared/defined after the statement:

if something
   a = 2
#here "a" is defined and has either value nil or 2 depending on
whether something false or true
puts a

So I wonder whether python has the same rule.

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