VCS Interface classes
dukju ahn
dukjuahn at
Mon Apr 30 06:36:38 UTC 2007
2007/4/29, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at>:
> Hi,
> * diff and log parameters, am not 100% sure there
virtual void log( const KUrl& localOrRepoLocation,
const QString& revision ) = 0;
How can the caller know repository location for the given local file?
i.e. suppose there is /home/kdev/kdevelop/main.cpp.
The caller doesn't know whether it is
svn:// or
Subversion accepts start revision and end revision.
Solution is Just specify the local URL only and,
Detailed options will be specified by each VCS plugin itself.
For example, some plugin will invoke option dialog box and have the
user specify it.
The option dialogbox is necessary anyway because
in case of svn, there are 3 optional useful parameters for logview.
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