[KDev4] buildtools/builder API suggestion.

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Sun Apr 29 14:40:14 UTC 2007

On 29.04.07 10:08:26, dukju ahn wrote:
> 2007/4/29, Andreas Pakulat <apaku at gmx.de>:
> >Please stop this CppProject* stuff, Make can not only build CPP
> >projects.
> I thought MakeBuilder is just for C/C++. Are there any cases where
> "make" is used for other languages than C/C++? If then, do we need
> to create Builder that is specific for C/C++?

I've used make for building .ui files into .py code when PyQt4 couldn't
load them during runtime. I can imagine mixed setups where some makefile
targets build documentation, byte-compile perl or python code or just
run some shell script to package the project. 

Don't assume a certain language is used with a certain build tool. We
have language support on a per file basis.

And no I don't see why we should need a CppMakeBuilder, what would be
the difference to a "standard" makebuilder? After all all a makebuilder
does is execute make in a certain directory with a certain target and
possibly some arguments.


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