David Nolden david.nolden.kdevelop at art-master.de
Wed Apr 25 21:33:14 UTC 2007

On Wednesday 25 April 2007 23:13:44 Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> On 25.04.07 18:48:16, Andreas Pakulat wrote:
> > On 23.04.07 17:49:39, David Nolden wrote:
> > > boost-serialization -- is used for the whole messaging system, is far
> > > superior to qt's serialization-stuff, so it cannot be replaced. The
> > > only problem, that still has to be worked on, is that it creates very
> > > big executables when compiled in debug-mode.
> >
> > Wow, 15 Meg is really big (that is libnetwork as static lib).
> Well, as one can see from the commits I turned the whole plugin to
> release mode. Now it links within seconds, before it would take >30
> minutes, even if the 3 libs are built in release mode.
> This way there's no chance of debugging the teamwork plugin, so I'd like
> to know how long it takes for others to link after removing the SET
> calls in the CMakeLists.txt and using BUILD_TYPE=debugfull.
> Andreas

For me the linking usually takes about one minute I think, 30 minutes sounds 
really extreme. Btw. I'm doing a big cleanup of the network-library right 
now(it takes some time), which also includes making a lot of 
template-functions simple member-functions, which makes it a little less 
flexible, but maybe it will help about the linking-time and executable-size 

greetings, David

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