Introduction ...

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Wed Apr 25 09:45:15 UTC 2007

On 24.04.07 23:06:09, Sandro Andrade wrote:
> I hope to become an effective KDevelop contributor and I would be grateful
> for some initial guidelines. I have successfully compiled the last snapshot
> for KDE 4.

Welcome :)

First things to do apart from what dukju said is to compile the latest
svn version of qt-copy,kdelibs,strigi,kdepimlibs,kdebase and kdevelop
(thats what you need to get fully "functional" kdevelop4). Then browse
around the code, try to understand it and see what interests you have.
If you found something and work on it, send the patches to this list and
we'll review them.

Once you've sent a couple of patches and we found them to be good you
may apply to get your own svn account so you can check in directly.


You will remember something that you should not have forgotten.

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