Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Mon Apr 23 17:14:19 UTC 2007

On 23.04.07 17:49:39, David Nolden wrote:
> On Monday 23 April 2007 05:43:37 Matt Rogers wrote:
> > On Sunday 22 April 2007 18:56, David Nolden wrote:
> > You didn't mention that this was going into trunk. I just assumed you were
> > updating the branch so that it would compile with trunk.
> >
> > I wish you would reconsider the use of all these external libraries that
> > add extra dependencies and provide functionality that most likely overlaps
> > with what's provided with Qt.
> >
> > I also don't think all of the stuff that's in lib should be there. lib is
> > the platform, it should be small and compact and what's there now applies
> > mostly to the teamwork plugin and i feel it should be moved there.
> I used those libraries because I wanted the server to be independent from qt, 
> because I wanted to develop a good networking-system(after having written a 
> few ugly hacks earlier in my life ;) that could be reused for any type of 
> project, not only for qt-projects.

Then why is this part of KDevelop or the kdevplatform? I think it should
be a separate project. And the kdevelop-teamwork plugin can have a
runtime dependecy for such a server.

> To the libs:
> I've put that stuff there because the things are independent "libraries", and 
> I thought those belong into "libs". None of them depend on teamwork, not even 
> on kdevelop. What about adding a folder "lib/internal" or something? I think 
> moving the libs into the kdevteamwork-folder is not a good idea, because that 
> would be against the idea of "independent" libraries. :)
> Also, wouldn't it be nice if in the end all plugins would be able to 
> communicate with each other over the network using teamwork? Then the 
> network-library will be needed there.

Well, do you have specific use-cases where this makes sense? I really
can't imagine why a plugin needs to talk to another kdevelop running on
another computer, but maybe I just don't see the vision ;)


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