Google SoC Project Idea: KRepo (source code repo. tool)

Matthew Woehlke mw_triad at
Thu Apr 12 22:11:26 UTC 2007


Vic Fryzel wrote:
> Unfortunately, my SoC project idea was not selected.  Regardless, I'd like to 
> pursue this project anyway, as I think it's very important to KDEs 
> development framework.
> The project idea has changed a bit since my initial email.  The abstract of 
> the idea officially not selected states:
> Cervisia: SVN and Darcs integration, KDE source code repository API
> The intent of this project is to extend Cervisia further to accommodate SVN 
> and Darcs repository management and usage.  Additionally, a common KDE 
> library/API would be created for interfacing with source code repositories, 
> that is extensible.  A plugin interface may also be appropriate for Cervisia, 
> so that it could connect to arbitrary source code repository softwares, based 
> upon an install plugin.  The library/API and plugins would use KIO slaves for 
> connection handling.  Lastly, Cervisia plugins for Quanta and KDevelop would 
> be further implemented, and many related bugs fixed.

KIO = bad, but I'm not one of the ones that knows why. Anyway...

> I think this is more feasible than developing a new tool.  It may also be 
> feasible to extend kdesvn.
> I believe there is now a Cervisia maintainer.
> Would anyone care to give their thoughts on which should be extended?  As I'm 
> sure there are others more familiar with the code base than I, would anyone 
> care to mentor me with this project? *need* to come join us on kdevelop-devel* :-). We are in the 
middle of a very lengthy thread[1] discussing *exactly* this matter, 
developing a standard interface for VCS integration in KDevelop. The 
current approach is to try to share GUI elements as much as possible, 
and I have been advocating defining the interfaces in a way that makes 
them conducive to being also used by a VCS-agnostic GUI. IOW, 
E-X-A-C-T-L-Y what you are proposing :-).

In summary, I think your project as currently defined is a waste because 
it will duplicate what KDevelop is doing, instead we would love to have 
you join KDevelop and tie a nice VCS GUI into the back-ends that 
KDevelop will be using.

(* - you need to 
subscribe at to post; I'd give you a better link but I 
can't get the site to come up right now.)


GDRLaH - Grin, Duck, and Run Like a Hippo! :-)

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