A test session with the current kdevelop

Alexander Dymo dymo at mk.ukrtelecom.ua
Fri Oct 20 17:40:02 UTC 2006

On Friday 20 October 2006 18:28, Matthew Woehlke wrote:
> *I'm* not asking for kmdi to improve, I haven't noticed (i.e. 'have not
> been negatively impacted by, enough to be noticeable) any problems with
> it. :-)
The biggest problem is that it does not save the state of toolviews. Also
dock windows are unreliable in many ways (but if you never undock them you
never see the problem).

The proc of simple ideal is imho two-key keyboard navigation 
(ala <Alt-1>, <Alt-2>, etc.) for toolviews.
Another proc is window splitting.

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