QMake-Test - the second
Andreas Pakulat
apaku at gmx.de
Thu Oct 12 21:28:47 UTC 2006
On 09.10.06 16:01:34, Stephan Diederich wrote:
> as the first issues were fixed by Andreas already, I thought I'd start
> a new thread.
I'm for now just replying to some of the things you mentioned, I work on
the others. I just wanted to answer now, so I don't forget anything ;)
> Import of superdemo.pro directory works:
> Runnning build on the superdemo-topproject works :)
> Runnning qmake on the superdemo-topproject fails :(
> Reason: wrong path:
> /home/diederich/projects/qmaketest/demos/superdemo/superdemo (one
> superdemo too much)
> Adding additional subdirs to the superdemo-topproject:
> steps: right-click superdemo -> add subproject
> (the dialog that pops up has it's autocompletion path set wrong
> (homedir instead of project dir))
There seems to be a problem here due to the fact that we use relative
paths. After writing something into the line-edit the filedialog doesn't
start at the proper directory. After putting "../../libs" there it
starts at $HOME. I have no idea why that happens or how to fix this,
seems like a bug in KURLRequester to me.
> give the path as "../../libs/a/" (trailing slash):
> --adds the right entry in SUBDIRS as ../../libs/a/ (qmake is
> uninterested in trailing slash)
> --seems to leave the qmakemanager in some undefined state. The icon
> isn't that of a lib (app instead). And no files from a.pro show up.
> Reopening the whole project corrects the icon and the files from a.pro
> show up (in qmakemanager)
That's fixed, I unconditionally wrote TEMPLATE = app into the .pro.
> give the path as "../../libs/a" (no trailing slash; same result as
> using the dialog):
> --adds the right entry in SUBDIRS as ../../libs/a
> --creates an a.pro-file in ../../libs (that not what we wanted)
> --creates an entry in qmakemanager "libs" (there is nowhere a project libs.pro)
> --reopening the project gives correct result (but leaves a homeless
> a.pro file on the disk)
Should be fixed too.
> Problem for both ways of adding:
> If there was a NEWLINE at the end of the *.pro-file. The new subdirs
> entry is added as:
> src
> \ (<----- should be at the end of the line above)
> ../../libs/a
> which confuses qmake a bit ;)
I don't see any newline added, not sure if I fixed this "by accident" or
if it just only happens to you.
It's lucky you're going so slowly, because you're going in the wrong direction.
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