QMake-Test - the second
Stephan Diederich
stephan.diederich at googlemail.com
Mon Oct 9 14:01:34 UTC 2006
as the first issues were fixed by Andreas already, I thought I'd start
a new thread.
Just as a reminder the project structure again:
projectroot (no projectroot.pro file)
..demos (no demos.pro file)
......superdemo.pro (is TEMPLATE=subdirs, where SUBDIRS=src in the beginning)
........src.pro (TEMPLATE=apps, ...)
..libs (no libs.pro file)
......a.pro (TEMPLATE=libs, ...)
......b.pro (TEMPLATE=libs, ...)
Import of superdemo.pro directory works:
Runnning build on the superdemo-topproject works :)
Runnning qmake on the superdemo-topproject fails :(
Reason: wrong path:
/home/diederich/projects/qmaketest/demos/superdemo/superdemo (one
superdemo too much)
Adding additional subdirs to the superdemo-topproject:
steps: right-click superdemo -> add subproject
(the dialog that pops up has it's autocompletion path set wrong
(homedir instead of project dir))
give the path as "../../libs/a/" (trailing slash):
--adds the right entry in SUBDIRS as ../../libs/a/ (qmake is
uninterested in trailing slash)
--seems to leave the qmakemanager in some undefined state. The icon
isn't that of a lib (app instead). And no files from a.pro show up.
Reopening the whole project corrects the icon and the files from a.pro
show up (in qmakemanager)
give the path as "../../libs/a" (no trailing slash; same result as
using the dialog):
--adds the right entry in SUBDIRS as ../../libs/a
--creates an a.pro-file in ../../libs (that not what we wanted)
--creates an entry in qmakemanager "libs" (there is nowhere a project libs.pro)
--reopening the project gives correct result (but leaves a homeless
a.pro file on the disk)
Problem for both ways of adding:
If there was a NEWLINE at the end of the *.pro-file. The new subdirs
entry is added as:
\ (<----- should be at the end of the line above)
which confuses qmake a bit ;)
removing subdirs from the superdemo-topproject:
step: right-click on subproject a -> remove
gives popup: "Delete the directory of the subproject" (yes/no doesn't
matter. Nothing is deleted)
--Both possible answers remove the subproject from the projectmanager.
But the superdemo.pro isn't modified.
--Reopening the project from kdevelop crashes kdevelop. (log attached
as reopen_crash.log/reopen_console.log)
--restarting kdevelop opens the project as normal. But the subproject
a is still there (sure, superdemo.pro wasn't modified)
adding liba as a "Projekteigene Hilfbibliothek" (project-internal
helper-lib?!) to src.pro gives right results in src.pro. (LIBS +=
../../../libs/a/liba.a and TARGETDEPS += ../../../libs/a/liba.a)
Removing the same lib afterwards adds just 2-4 empty lines in src.pro.
Doesn't remove the stuff added above.
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