Hang when loading a project

Andreas Pakulat apaku at gmx.de
Tue Nov 28 18:01:19 UTC 2006

On 28.11.06 16:25:19, Andras Mantia wrote:
>  It was a long time since I worked with Kdevelop, but today I updated my 
> kde svn checkout, including KDevelop 3.4 and run into a problem not 
> present before: my KDevelop starts up with loading a project 
> automatically. That's fine, but when I try to open another project it 
> just hangs. Attached is the backtrace from this period. The problem 
> seems to be with the project itself, as I can safely reopen the current 
> one. It is the Quanta project from the 3.5 branch:
> /home/kde/branches/KDE/3.5/kdewebdev/quanta/quanta.kdevelop
> Can some try to open it and see if it works there?

I can open Quanta and as well an open another project after that and the
other way around too.


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