Code completion

Andreas Pakulat apaku at
Fri Nov 17 16:44:26 UTC 2006

On 17.11.06 17:13:25, David Nolden wrote:
> Am Freitag, 17. November 2006 16:07 schrieb Kris Wong:
> > I currently use Qt 4 in my projects, and would like to be able to use
> > code completion for my user interface classes.  Since the ui headers
> > generated by uic are not part of the project, code completion does not
> > pick these files up.  However, I entered the location of these files
> > into the Custom include paths field (as Debug/ui) in the project
> > settings.  Code completion still does not pickup the classes.  I removed
> > the .pcs file from the project directory as well to no avail.  Assuming
> > I am using this field correctly, this seems to be a bug.
> So to have completion for your user-interface classes, you will simply have to 
> import them into the project.

Hmm, David, which function do you use to get the files for a project?
I'm thinking about adding foobar_ui.h for all foobar.ui in the qmake

Do you know wether the .cpp's are needed for Qt3 ui-forms to provide
code-completion? I don't want to put them into the source-file-list if
they're not needed...


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